How to Write Efficient For Loop in Excel VBA
February 9, 2021
How to write a efficient for loop in Excel? By making a small tweak your VBA for loop can be 17x faster? Check this out for 2 methods to enhance your for loops.

Every shortcut for sort and filter in Excel
February 3, 2021
In this article, I am going to show you every single shortcut for sort and filter commands.

How to use REPT functions to the Most
February 2, 2021
Repeat a set of character Formula of Cell C2 =REPT(A2,B2) =REPT(character to repeat, the number of times you would like it to repeat) This is the most common usage of REPT. Specify the character to repeat and the number of

2021 New Year Resolution List for Excel
January 26, 2021
Time to think about what to learn in Excel for 2021? We lay out 6 goals, divided by your level of expertise on what we think are great goals to further yourself in Excel!

5 Types of Graphs to Create with REPT function
January 20, 2021
Only a few Excel users know about that we can create graphs with REPT function. Most people use the REPT function simply to repeat characters but the REPT function actually does much more than that. Some people think the REPT

3 Reasons for Option Explicit (Excel VBA)
January 19, 2021
Option Explicit is often an overlooked aspect when we write VBA codes! Learn here about 3 reasons to use it on EVERY VBA codes you write going forward.
- Array Formula (3)
- Data validation (3)
- Excel Formula & Functions (34)
- Excel Skills (37)
- Excel Tips and Tricks (38)
- Finance (5)
- Formatting (8)
- Option Pricing (3)
- Pivot table (3)
- Sharing (8)
- Shortcuts (13)
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- VBA (18)