Every shortcut for sort and filter in Excel

Every shortcut for sort and filter in Excel
Table of Contents

Many Excel users are able to perform shortcut for copy and paste and some other most common ones. However, not so many people know that you can also perform shortcut for sort and filter commands.

In this article, I am going to show you every single shortcut for sort and filter commands.

Sample Workbook

Download the workbook to practice it by yourself!

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Create Filters by making it a table

Ctrl L / Ctrl T

Turn Filters on/off

Ctrl shift L

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Display Filter menu

Alt down

Display Filter menu from any cell inside the table

alt shift down

Sort/Filter commands

Alt+Down Arrow+S – Sort A to Z

Alt+Down Arrow+O – Sort Z to A

Alt+Down Arrow+T – Sort by Color sub menu

Alt+Down Arrow+I – Filter by Color sub menu

Alt+Down Arrow+F – Text/ Date/ Number Filter sub menu

You may also be interested in 10 Excel Ctrl Shift Shortcuts You Need To Know

Search box

Alt+Down Arrow+E – type in search box

Reach Filter items

To reach the filter items, you have to move through different items in the drop down menu. You can do that by using arrow key or Tab key.

Most people will press the down arrow key for 8 times.

The good news is there is an even faster way – press the left arrow key for 3 times.

Want to be even faster?

Try E + tab

That may not sound like a big deal but, who doesn’t want to work faster with Excel?

Select Filter items

Pressing space

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Clear Filters in columns

Press Alt Down C

Clear All Filters in a table

Press Alt A C

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